Returns & exchanges
Changes cannot be made to items once an order has been placed. Due to the nature and uniqueness of each item, items are not eligible for returns or exchanges and all sales are final. However, your complete satisfaction is important to us so please reach out if something comes up with your item so that we can address it for you.
Cancellations are not accepted.
Shipping policies
Shipping is only available within the USA. A flat rate packaging and shipping fee of $14.95 will apply to all shipped orders. Once the order has been shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. Shipping is one to two weeks. If you need your item sooner, please email Nonna and, if her schedule allows, she will happily accommodate you!
Additional policies
Please feel free to message Nonna with any customization requests. She loves working with her customers to create their unique look or theme. She also produces items in bulk for gifts, parties, and events!